When children enter the Y’s Time program, a whole other world of imagination and growth opens up to them. In addition to supplementing what they have learned in school, they participate in interactive learning models that engage critical thinking skills, have a chance to socialize with each other, and form long-lasting friendships that enhance their development, growth & self-confidence.
Malone, NY
Our program in Malone, NY takes place at Davis, St. Joes, and Flanders Elementary school.
The monthly tuition is as follows:
$255.00 – YMCA Member
$275.00 – Community Member
*Tuition is based on 180 days of school divided by 10 months, includes half-days.
**Financial assistance is available.
If you have any questions regarding the program, or have interest in financial assistance, please Kris Robideau at krobideau@maloneymca.org
Saranac Lake, NY
Our Saranac Lake Program will take place at Petrova Elementary, and service both Petrova and Bloomingdale students in grades K-5th!
The monthly tuition is as follows:
$275.00 – PM Care (After school until 5:30 PM)
*Tuition is based on 180 days of school divided by 10 months, includes half-days.
**Financial assistance is available.
If you have any questions regarding the program, or have interest in financial assistance, please email Kris Robideau at krobideau@maloneymca.org