3-14-25: The Plattsburgh YMCA Gym on Oak Street is closed 7-8:15 pm.
3-18-25: The Plattsburgh YMCA Gym on Oak Street is closed 7-8:15 pm.
3-21-25: The Plattsburgh YMCA Gym on Oak Street is closed 7-8:15 pm.
Need someone to watch your child while you work out? We offer babysitting services FREE with a YMCA membership, accommodating ages 9 months up to 12 years.
Babysitting Child Care Policies
Parents may not leave the facility while the child is under the care of YMCA staff. No child may be left for more than 3 hours per day in the care of our babysitting staff. Parents must sign their children both in and out.
Dress Code
Children need to wear shoes at all times. We do not have changing facilities. If your child has an accident, we will call you to the Babysitting Room. Younger children (especially those who are potty training) must have a change of clothes available. If your child has an accident and does not have a change of clothes, you will be asked to remove your child from the service.
Personal Items
All personal items such as diaper bags, cups, etc. must be labeled with the child’s name before being brought into the babysitting area.
Please make sure your child has been to the bathroom before arriving in the babysitting area. Sitters only change diapers if they are comfortable doing so, and you must ask each sitter before leaving the child with them. Please try to have your child freshly changed before drop off.
Please do not bring toys from home. Staff does not keep track of personal toys, which may be misplaced.
Food & Drinks
Babysitting is a PEANUT-FREE ZONE! You may bring snacks, but please only dry foods such as pretzels, cereal, granola bars, etc. You may bring cups or bottles. All cups must have spill proof lids and be clearly marked with your child’s name. No glass or cans are allowed in the babysitting area. Please stay mindful of possible food allergies, and no sharing of food is allowed.
Please alert the babysitting staff of any special needs you may have. No biting, scratching, fighting, or spitting allowed.
Sickness and Medication
As a courtesy to our parents, sick children are not permitted in the babysitting area.
Children with the following symptoms should remain home until they have been symptom-free for at least 24 hours (without medication):
• Nasal/eye drainage of any kind
• Coughing
• Fever
• Diarrhea
• Vomiting
• Sore Throat
If any of these symptoms arise while your child is in the babysitting area, you will be asked to pick up your child immediately. The babysitting staff cannot administer medication for any reason, therefore, medicine of any kind is not allowed in the babysitting area.
The babysitting program is a service to our members. It is not a daycare program. The parent/guardian MUST remain at the YMCA the entire time the child is in the babysitting area.
Reservations Required to secure a spot
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9am – 1pm
Monday/Wednesday/Friday 5pm – 7pm
Saturdays - 9-11:30am
Our babysitting registration form must be completed for each child, which we will keep on file and update periodically.
This service is available on a first come/first served basis. Please call 561-4290 up to 2 days in advance to make a reservation.