Youth Baseball 2024
Youth Development in a Team Environment
Batter up! YMCA Youth Baseball is an unbeatable program where boys and girls, ages learn the sport in a supportive and positive environment. As with all other YMCA youth sports, our baseball program has no tryouts and no cuts. Everybody plays here in a great program that emphasizes cooperation, good sportsmanship and skill development.
Season Dates
May 11 - June 29
Games and Practice
Coach Pitch League (6-8 year olds)
Saturdays - 10:15-11:30 am
Age Eligibility: DOB: 6/29/15 - 5/11/19
T-Ball League (3-5 year olds)
Saturdays - 9:00-10:00am
Age Eligibility: DOB: 6/29/18 - 5/11/21
*More advanced 5 year olds can play up in Coach Pitch Division
Peter Blumette Park
Tee Ball and Coach Pitch Program Details
The Plattsburgh YMCA T-Ball and Coach Pitch League starts in the spring. Games are played at Blumette Park on Sandra Avenue in Plattsburgh. The program runs 8 weeks on Saturdays only.
This is a low pressure program where all kids are encouraged to participate, and we need volunteer coaches. If you are interested in volunteering, we only require people who love working with kids in a positive environment sports program.
Each player receives:
YMCA Baseball T-shirt
Fees & Registration
Members: $60
Community Members: $115
Please note: We have a new process for registration this season. At the link below you will log in to your membership account to register. If you are not a Y member, you will be prompted to first create an account before registering. You will select "Non Member" for the account type.
After your registration is received, our staff will review your registration and confirm whether you are a City resident or not for billing. If you are not a City resident and have not yet paid for your registration, you will be contacted for payment.
Please note: If you have a Y Scholarship or your program fees are paid by another provider, you will need to call or come to the Y Front Desk to register.
Register Now*There are no refunds after registration